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How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

Hello Friends
              How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner
Welcome to my step by step tutorial on how to hack a website using WebCruiser Scanner.

As always I will try to explain it in the easiest way so it will be n00b friendly.

I suggest you to practice "hacking" manually as using tools wont make your skills go higher.

Whatsoever there are lazy-ass guys :P who find it better to perform these attacks by tools.

Ok , first of all we need to download WebCruiser Scanner.
                                            Download From Here !              _____________________________

[*] Let's start:

You will need a target , you can use google dorks to find vulnerable websites.

I won't bother on that part as there are billions of google dorks out there.

  OK, I found my vulnerable website:


Let's open WebCruiser Scanner and check the target for vulnerabilities like on the picture below:

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

Then click Scan Site.

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

Now we will wait a minute or two , depends on you internet connection speed for the scan to finish , then we will see the results like the image below.

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

As we can see the website is vulnerable to Sql injection & XSS.

We will perform a SQL injection this time.

[*] Attack
Right click on the vulnerable url and then SQL INJECTION POC , now you
just need to follow the steps below.

I have explained step by step with pictures so it will be easier for you to understand.

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

How To Hack A Website With WebCruiser Scanner - FOCSoft

So that's all guys, we got the admin info in just 5 minutes :>

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